The European Uyghur Institute was originally founded in a university setting. A number of its key members are academics or students pursuing advanced studies at Master and Doctoral levels. The Institute has an important role to play in the development of Uyghur studies worldwide and in the training of new students in this budding field of scholarship. This academic engagement translates into the organising of conferences and seminars, the most important of which is the International Uyghur Studies Conference which brings together the leading specialists in Uyghur Studies worldwide at a different European university every year. We also accompany students in their research projects and supply invaluable contacts to young researchers entering the field. We also publish a journal called Regard sur les Ouïghour-e-s, the first French-Uyghur bilingual journal, translate important academic and journalistic pieces from English to French, and make available work done on the Uyghur region and the ongoing crisis.