As the Uyghur region has long been a crossroads of cultures, languages and knowledge, it seemed obvious to us to equip our tea room with a freely accessible library. Adjacent to the tea room, it will contain all the copies of the journal Regard sur les Ouïghour-e-s, books and magazines on the Uyghur region and Central Asia, Turkish and Uyghur language learning manuals, as well as Uyghur novels and short stories as well as their available French translations.
We make it a point of honour that each passage should be a discovery, and that what has been learned by one person can be passed on to others. Moreover, subscribers who wish to do so will be able to consult past issues of Regard sur les Ouïghour-e-s directly on the viewer below. Finally, for those who read Uyghur, here are links to a few online libraries that contain digitised versions of Uyghur language books.