On Saturday 3 December, in response to the serious incidents that have taken place in the Uyghur Region in recent months, including the organised famine…
In the summer of 2020, the “Colleuses” responded to the call made by our president, Dilnur Reyhan, for feminists to show their solidarity with Uyghur…
Shortly after the vote for the recognition of the Uyghur genocide in the French National Assembly, the Beijing Olympics began. In the months leading up…
On October 2, in the streets of Paris, a large demonstration was held against the Uyghur genocide currently perpetrated by the Chinese authorities. One of…
Here we are in September 2021, our lawsuit against the multinationals that profit from Uyghur slavery was filed a few months ago, but now Uniqlo,…
One more victory against Huawei, the Chinese behemoth involved in the massive surveillance and repression of Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples in the Uyghur Region. …
On March 8 of this year, on the occasion of the International Women’s Rights Day, we decided to make visible Uyghur women who have been…
This time it was Youth for Climate who helped the Uyghur cause. With their movement to label products sold by brands that profit from Uyghur…